Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Creating Your Client’s Landing Pages To Connect With International Audiences

By the end of the 20th century very few companies could be found on the web even though today almost all companies have their own websites. It should be noted that some railway companies in Europe, introduced innovative services like online booking and other interactive services which have now become the normal features of their websites. When describing the language used on the websites, the following three aspects proved to be crucial: target country or area of the website, structure of the website and type of the content. The first classification that was made was to distinguish between domestic, local and international websites and which geographic area played an important role in selecting the target audience of the website or pages. There were clear differences between these in terms of the content and language choices of the analyzed websites. The vast number of studies cases shows that a company’s website clearly directs is online services to its domestic customers. The information on these websites is basically written in the official language of the country, while the site itself keeps the most essential documentation related to the specific company. Thus a English to French Translator was asked to translate the information on a Japanese railway company into English, but on the condition that in the English version he would have to provide information that concerns only international customers.

Websites that railway companies have for other countries where they operate are called local websites but they are different from domestic websites because their content and language selections seem to be different. The information that local websites provide is directed to visitors, or either current or prospective residents. In many cases both these aspects appear in the content but only in some cases the website is designed to serve incoming travelers, not local customers. Companies often have an international landing page or a separate website which contains material that is relevant to all countries and the links to the local sites are the only local references. All this is added to the regional and local websites and pages. For example, a number of countries of the Middle East have used a Italian Translator for their websites in order to make them accessible to wider range of international customers. The international website may function as a kind of distribution home page or a page that serves as an entrance to local sites.

Even though many links lead to an international website, the most distinctive feature of websites is that part of their content is often presented in the target country language of the target country. When we talk about a website, the definition that first comes to mind is the one that many sources give - a group of pages dealing with a certain topic, created by a certain organization. Selecting our country when entering the international home page of the Russian company Artemis is one of the many features it offers and which is a good example of how such a page should be organized. This is made possible due to the English to Russian Translator who made all the necessary translations, but if we enter directly their home page in our country, there is not a necessary link to the pages for other countries. Websites can be divided into decentralized and centralized in reference to how the Internet user perceives their content and understands their language.

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