Saturday, September 18, 2010

Does Your SEO Agency Only Do SEO?

For many companies, their SEO agency is the difference between their online success and failure. Of course, this is thanks to the long term strategies employed by SEO agencies to promote websites and therefore brands online. To achieve this, they use SEO which is basically just a way of making the most of websites so that they perform better in search engine results. This, for example, allows an interior design company to rank highly for the search term ‘patterned wallpaper.’

Therefore an SEO agency is a must for any company with a web presence, but this is no truer than for smaller companies. For small, little known companies with products which are as good as those offered by big industry players, SEO can really level the playing field. After all, the only thing smaller companies need is for potential customers to know they exist. Exposing the brand by putting it in front of the client is the work of the SEO agency.

So when is an SEO agency not an SEO agency? It’s a silly question really but the answer is this: when they are a fully fledged web marketing agency. The fact is that most SEO agencies concentrate on more than just SEO. Most will have a much broader offering. Whilst SEO should be a main fixture in a company’s marketing strategy, there should be more going on as well. For example, why not speak to an SEO agency which is capable of managing a social media marketing campaign, a PPC campaign or e-mail marketing?

An SEO agency which doesn’t have the expertise to handle these things for your company probably isn’t as great, or passionate, as one which does. Speak to your SEO agency about how they could enhance your web presence.

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