Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ideas On Training Your Dog

Dogs are man’s best friend, which has been an undoubted fact since the beginning of humanity, but sometimes best friends do stupid things that make you mad. Canines are no exception and whether they’re chewing up the chairs or getting in the trash, sometimes you can’t help but be upset with them for messing things up. Some dogs take out their frustration on garbage, others on gift bags and paper bags that are left lying around, and other still can’t seem to grasp the idea of going to the bathroom outside. Whatever the problem is, the following tips will help you train your dog and get him back to being your best friend.

The first thing to remember when teaching your dog is that your dog needs to see you as the leader of the family, or else they are going to try to control you and will not listen to any of the commands you have for them. If your dog does not think you are in control, they will continue to act as though they are the boss and you will get nothing accomplished. Simple punishments like putting them in their cage when they are bad or making them sit before they can get their food will let them know that you are in charge.

Likewise, commands should always be one syllable words such as sit, stay and down. By using these easy commands, your dog will not be confused with other words that you may be using, such as their name. Keeping things simple will help dogs learn and memorize commands faster and make them remember them longer. Use the same words every time you are training them, such as saying down rather than lay down. At the same time, dogs names should be kept at greater than one syllable so that there is a distinction between their name and the commands that you teach them.

Lastly and most importantly, repetition is key when you are trying to teach a dog anything so repeating lessons over and over, whenever you get the chance, will really make the commands stick in their minds. Repeat the same things over and over and reward them immediately when they do what you want them to do such as sitting or laying down when you tell them to. Using something like a whistle will let the dog know immediately that they have done what you asked them to do.

In the end, teaching your dog can be a great bonding exercise and will make your life that much easier when they stop doing the things that drive you crazy. Exercise is what is key in training your dog and repetition will make the lessons stick. Dogs can be extremely intelligent creatures if they are taught and given the tools to use that intelligence so that they do not have to go out and find other things, like trash bins and holes in the yard, to get into and test their intelligence.

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