Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Online SEO Marketing Strategies

Why is keyword research so important to an SEO marketing campaign? Keyword research is important because, this is where your visitors will be coming from. Pick about 50 search phrases. Now look at the volume. How much traffic can you get to your website for each term? What kind of competition do you have? Take the 50 keyword phrases and develop some content on your website.

Here are some SEO training tips I've learned. Pay-per-click campaigns are the best to work with to test each phrase out. Once your testing is done, you take a look at which ones where clicked on and which ones were not. This is how I figure out my return on my investment. I’ll take the top 25 search phrases and work with those.

The search terms that are left over are the keywords I’ll use to make my money with. I’ll just let the other 25 search terms go and work with what I have.

I work with the longer tailed keywords first and write content around them. Ranking for the longer tailed keywords are easier because you don’t have that much competition. Now I’ll work my way up my list. My activities now consist of building links, writing articles and social bookmarking.

At the time I start ranking for these longer tailed keywords, I’ll move up my list and work on the keywords that are a little bit more competitive. The way I look at it is this, if you can rank well for the longer tailed keywords, you’ll do well for the more competitive keywords.

This is about the time where my list of keywords gets to be around 300 search phrases. Now I’ll work on my content. I work more on my off page optimization that I do with my on page optimization. The next step is to write good quality articles. I’ll take a little bit of time and work on my content because I don’t want my website looking bad for the visitors that come. I want them to come back. Now I’ll look for someone’s product to sell.

The articles you write on your website don’t have to be long. I like to keep them short, but I packed them with tons of content. When people come to your website you want them to have a good feeling about it to where it entices them to come back. Put up a mailing list to collect the names and email address of the people that stop by your site. Put up a good offer to motivate them to sign up. Ask the visitor to do things and track to see how many people follow your commands. This is the time that I’ll put in someone else’s product and I’ll ask the person for the sale. I can’t tell you how important it is to work hard to get a good mailing list. Doing this along with good keyword research will help you out in your SEO marketing plan.

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